21 March 2011

Hay, Hay, Hay!

Page 7


Sold     4 sheep     $35.30
  "         1 cow           50.00
  "         1 bull            60.00
  "         1  "               25.00
  "         1 horse   $120.00
  "         1 mule     $125.
rec'd check for $115 and service
fees of colt $10 for balance.

Sold 4 sheep May 21, 1917 for
$102.95.  Paid $20 on them
$  20.00
$  82.95 - due on sheep
$  25.00 - paid May 31st 1917
$  57.95
$  35.00 paid June 17th 1917

Sold 2 hogs          $50.40

Put 3 horses in Yorks pasture
May 2, 1926

2 horses in Hale's pasture
July 13, 1926


[The pasture information above has a square around it, & the word "Paid" is written over the 2nd entry concerning the horses placed in Hale's pasture.]

  "  [July] 15     make hay (1/2 day Sim took hay home)
July   14           1 day both
June 14           1 da.
June  15          1 da.
July    11          1/2 "  put hay rope on
July    12          1    "  made hay (both)
July    13          3/4 "  "     "    "        "
                         took load home

Wow.  Sounds like a lot of fun on the farm doesn't it?  [Snort.]  More like, a LOT of work.

hay fork of simply hay tedderImage via WikipediaLooks like Sim helped out with the making of hay.  There are a couple of references to "both" kinds of hay.  Huh.  Who knew there were different kinds of hay to be made?  Makes sense now that I think about it.  Different kinds of grass.  Different kinds of hay.  For all you ever wanted to know about hay and more, click here.  

Straw bales in front of a small farm near Ames...Image via WikipediaIn Google Books, I found on pp.853-854 of Iowa: Its History and Its Foremost Citizens, Volume 2 by Johnson Brigham that Iowa ranked first in hog farms, first in "proportion of land in farms", and second in value of crops in 1917.   Additionally, Iowa was on top in total livestock in the early 1900s and "headed the long list of hay and forage states in 1909."

Old Heintz Barn courtesy of Donald Pointer.
Seems the Pointer's were in the thick of the growth of the agricultural industry in Iowa.  But they weren't the only ones.  Pearl makes references on this page of using other farmers' pasture lands.  Why would they need to do this?  Perhaps the Pointer farm left something to be desired.  Perhaps it didn't have a water source.  I found a map/atlas on historicmapworks.com of Collins, Story Co, IA of where the Pointer farm was located in 1919, approximately 2 years after these entries.  I located Harve and Pearl's farm.  [How lucky can we get, right?]  Just click here to view the map and zoom in to locate the farm.  It's in the top right hand corner in section 12 (right underneath section 1), and on 2 sides of the Pointer farm were 2 Heintz farms.  And lucky for you, I know the relationship.  Harve's maternal grandmother was Mary Ann Heintz.  And because Great-Uncle Donald is so awesome, I'm able to share a picture of their old Heintz barn.  [Cool, huh?]

Now getting back to these other farmers' pastures.  When you look at the map closely, you can find both the Hale farm and the Teed farm that she refers to.  Notice how there's a water source on their land?  However, this map doesn't show the marsh on Pointer land.  And I do remember Great-Uncle Donald talking about a swimming hole.  However, maybe it wasn't enough or perhaps the pasture wasn't enough or I don't know.  [I didn't grow up on a farm.]  But I love when I can find a map like this where I can "place" them in it, so to speak.  Don't you?


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